My four-year-old son was terrified to learn to swim, regardless of his three years of swim lessons at various OC pools prior to coming to Miss Moira. He would sit on the step and cry, refusing to put his face in the water or to venture into the pool without a float device. At first, his refusal to swim was seen a hindrance to our beach and pool play time. Then, one day my son fell into a friend's pool. Three years of swim lessons and still, in the face of emergency and frozen in terror, he did not even try to swim. My son was at the bottom of the pool, drowning. The next day I called Miss Moira in a panic; this was life and death now! She made a place for us and welcomed us. Miss Moira's gentle demeanor and patient tone allowed both my son and myself to breath a sigh of relief. She worked to encourage my son with firm conviction and she let him know that she was there and that he could swim. By the end of a couple of sessions the crying had stopped and my son was swimming across the pool. Miss Moira is unique; in her presence with children she portrays confidence and a reassuring manor and in her delivery of the techniques for swimming she is firm and confident. My son, after several schools and a frightening pool experience, has finally found a swim teacher who puts his needs first and who seems to understand him. I now refer to Miss Moira affectionately as 'the kid whisperer' and I am thankful that my family found her.